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Artwork for Sub(Marine)UnderBrooklyn by Dutchyyy



From the 2015 (digital version) of my album "Traversal"

Backstory: Picking up from the backstory written on "where are we headed?" I was living upstate, at the secluded Nature Preserve "Sam's Point" in Craigsmoor, NY trying to find my peace again after a few years living in Los Angeles being over stimulated and broken down fundamentally to the core. Being on the mountain in nature, isolated and having space to walk outside without running into strangers at every step was a much needed change of pace. I blossomed isolated surrounded by so much natural beauty untouched by man mad hands. Towards the end of my stay, Early 2015, my friend reached out to me and asked me if I would play a show in Brooklyn. As much as i loved playing music for people. NY city is the polar opposite of a secluded Nature Preserve, and after a year in isolation, the thought of taking trains and subways gave me a panic attack which I wasn't expecting. I thought I healed and was past all that. So I declined. He would not take no for an answer, and I didn't like the fact that I had gained a fear of doing such a normal thing like traveling into the city, something I've done a million times before so I caved and agreed to do the show. I took a train to union station, and I remember walking up those stairs and stepping out into the city and there were literal Tanks lined up, cops everywhere and more people than I had seen in years. I felt like a time traveler out of place, spooked by loud noises and anxiously tried to find directions to get to Brooklyn. When I finally arrived at the apartment my friend was staying at. I told myself, I never walking out of the door haha. My friend DJ introduced me to his friend and our host Brian, and we immediately started talking about music. He asked what I used to create and told him Ableton Live. He said he always wanted to learn Ableton, so without hesitation I said, "well class in session, I'm going to teach you right now" he asked if I was hungry, I said "I'm too anxious to eat at the moment, but we can reward ourselves with sustenance after we get a quick session in" . I pulled out my laptop, let him pick a sample and showed him my process. You know, all the boring set up stuff that happens before you're able to properly execute ideas. In Typical Dutch fashion, I got tunnel vision but had anxiety, knowing I would eventually have to walk out the door and go out in public. So I channeled that energy and imagined an escape route, bypassing all the crowds of strangers and my mind wondered to thoughts of climbing down a latter that leads to a submarine that could just go under the city instead of through it to get back to the mountain and thus, "Sub(Marine)UnderBrooklyn" was born. You can hear me working through my emotions trying to find a peaceful resolve and reaching conflict in the middle, but in the end I make it peacefully to the surface. I personally like the Cassette version of this song more (Dynamics Crushed, but a little more punchy) but I don't think most people would be able to tell the difference and this was the original export.

P.S. I was fine for the rest of the trip. Played a dope house set, said my goodbyes and took the train back to the nature preserve. This remains one of my favorite tracks of the thousands I've made over the years. Music is a form a meditation. It's saved my life, more times than I can count, quite literally... but we will save that backstory for another time.

"Traversal" ended up seeing two separate releases, each with slight variations.

The Original version that I released digitally on bandcamp and all streaming services in Winter of 2015 (which was the first and last album I ever uploaded to the streaming services)

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and the cassette version released in Winter of 2016 via Grand Garden Records.


**** Whoever ends up collecting this will receive a link to my master cloud based vault "Dutchyyy vs the Algorithms" over 110gb's of nearly my full released and unreleased discography. *****



ReleasedJun 12, 2022
1-of-1 holder@cxy