Desiderium is a piece I began composing by accident. I had just inherited a painting by Gino Hollander, a painting that I had grown up with and loved dearly. I placed this painting in front of me at my studio, and before I could think, a series of soft eighth notes escaped my fingers. I spent the following 3 months turning that initial idea into the piece it is today. This is my genesis NFT as well as my first true example of art music, as the majority of my compositions have only danced around the idea. This concept of art music, and its origin within the concept of ekphrasis, is one that I’ve been gripped by... I personally find nothing more rewarding then to seek out meaning within the story, and transliterate that into music. So, this piece, Desiderium, after Gino Hollander’s 1994 ‘Untitled’, is the story that I hear. I hope it touches you. Special thanks to Elliot Cole [elliotcole.eth], for the guidance within this burgeoning space and for making my genesis drop on Catalog a reality, as well as Siri Hollander, for granting permission to use images of her late father’s work. SOUNDS USED Violoncello I: Niles Luther Violoncello II: Niles Luther Piano I: Spitfire Audio [Olafur Arnalds Felt Grand Piano] Piano II: Signature Sam Samples [Signature Grand] Orchestra: Spitfire Audio [Appassionata Strings] 808: FutureAudioWorkshop [SubLab] PAINTING DETAILS Title: Untitled Artist: Gino Hollander Medium: Oil on Canvas Year of Work: 1994 Size: 48 x 48 in