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Artwork for Jubilee by The JuJu Exchange


Jubilee. The name and track is all about celebration, deep celebration. The title comes from long ago – from ancient Israel, actually. “Jubilee” was a year in the calendar of these ancestors of modern-day Jews and Christians when all debts were forgiven within the community and slaves would be free and you’d experience God’s mercy. That means anybody who was in debt slavery was freed and the accounts reset. This song maybe captures some of the joy those cats must have felt when these burdens were lifted. Anyway, we wanted to create a song that tapped into the celebration found in Gospel, jazz, and footwork. These three genres stem from the celebration that courses through the life of Black folk in this country, and that is something that all of us in this band, no matter our skin tone, support fully. May this song give you joy as it has us.



ReleasedOct 13, 2021
1-of-1 holder@kohtza